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Reasons why good blogs don’t get traffic

Reasons why good blogs don’t get traffic

Each new blog post is a chance to rank on Google Searches. However, it’s not that simple. Constantly creating high-quality content can take a toll on anyone, as any repetitive task would. Some topics require more extensive research, are more difficult to explain or summarize, and more costly to produce.

Sometimes, you genuinely have a great blog post—it’s thoughtful, digestible, and complete. You’ve pulled all the stops, corrected mistakes, and improved what it’s lacking. So, why isn’t it ranking high?

If you’re doing this by yourself, you might want to consider either finding proofreaders or editors. After all, writers can sometimes miss grammatical and spelling errors in their work. However, there’s also a good chance you’re making SEO mistakes that do not benefit what might otherwise be high-quality content.

Let’s discuss the possible reasons why your high-quality blog post might be getting buried and develop simple solutions you can implement as soon as possible.

1. You’re Not Optimizing for Mobile Searches

While laptops and PCs haven’t fallen into disuse, smartphones and other mobile devices are now more commonly used to surf the web. There are various apps that aim to satisfy consumer needs—and they all have a downloadable mobile app. It’s not uncommon to see someone open their phone, type into Google’s search bar, and find something they want to purchase.

Not optimizing for mobile sites could simply be a matter of difficult-to-read font sizes, excessive indents, and wrong text placement. It could also be due to inserting specific keywords that are not commonly used in mobile searches. Not taking Voice Search into account might also slow down your mobile optimization efforts.

2. You’re Posting Repetitive or Duplicate Content

When Google’s algorithm finds two very similar content, it decides which is more useful and disregards the other. That means that the second blog post has not benefited your SEO efforts in any way. No matter how good both posts are, one will have to win out over the other.

Instead of writing updates and supplementary posts, refresh your old blogs instead. You can add changes to the information based on current events, changes in legislation, or changes in popular SEO strategies. Don’t split up two well-written pieces if you can manage to put them together.

3. You’re Overusing a Limited Set of Keywords

Setting a goal to rank high in high competition keywords is not a bad idea. However, looking for several high-competition keywords could really help you in the long run.

If you’re blogging to market a specific product or service, make sure to diversify the keywords you are using. A hundred different posts using the same exact keywords and anchor texts are all going to compete against each other. There are so many daily searchers that do not use the same popular keywords each time.

Also, consider localizing your keyword strategies. You can do this by planning to use keywords most popular in your area of practice or store location. Switch between global and local keywords when you’re writing your blog as a way to diversify them.

4. You’re Website Has Bad User Interface

Good blog entries can be enough to convince users to make purchases. However, visual design, layout, and the overall organization of your site can affect their first impression of you.

If the default text, site colors, and animations make it hard for users to read, they might just click off your post. If you’re using large or unfitting image formats for the design, it might slow the entire loading time. If your contact details or store links are difficult to find, a converted client might choose to find products and services elsewhere.

If your blogs are walls of text with no images to break paragraphs or sections, they might intimidate or bore the reader.

While site design does not directly affect the quality of your writing, it does affect how users experience the content you’re putting out. Make sure your site is accessible, and your formatting is easy to read.

5. You’re not giving the Audience What They Want

Well-written blogs do not always equate to good SEO. You might be creating thoughtful, well-researched content but still can’t satisfy a searcher’s need.

There could be many reasons for users clicking and leaving your page within seconds. If your user interface is excellent and your post is well put together, then it might be that your blog post didn’t have what they’re looking for.

Part of Google’s criteria for ranking pages is its user reception. The number of people who click on the site, the longer they’re on it, along with how trustworthy Google thinks your page is, will influence the ranking.

Find a keyword you’re competing for and check the first page. Read the content, pay attention to how the posts are organized, and find what yours are lacking. Chances are, there might be a difference in writing style and formatting, so pay attention to those and see how you can integrate that technique into your own content.

6. Your Content is Outdated

Look at your old posts and find what’s making them look dated. You could be using old statistical data, terminology that has fallen out of use, and less relevant examples than what’s on current events.

Your content refresh should not only add more information, but you have to also update for shifting social and political climates. Not acknowledging new laws, adjusting your use of popular vernacular, or ignoring high-impact societal changes decreases the relevance of your content.

7. You’re Not Promoting Your Blogs

The number of clicks from the search results to your page isn’t the only factor considered for ranking. You might have traffic coming in from other promotional platforms, like social media.

Unless you’re an established site with regular visitors, you will need to work harder to find traffic. Promoting it through other platforms—like Twitter or Facebook—not only helps  exposure, but counts towards your stats. Using email lists linking back to your website also helps.

Whether you are a long-time trusted site or just starting out, it’s good SEO practice to make your content visible to as many people as possible.
by JC Serrano