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Infographic: 6 trends shaping the digital advertising industry

Digital channels are dominating the advertising market.

As the landscape expands, new avenues for distribution and, ultimately, new challenges are constantly presented.

What role will artificial intelligence play in the industry? Which channels will see the largest growth? How is data collection going to change?

Savvy brand managers must be aware of all these facets in order to develop a successful digital strategy.

An infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines dives into the trends that will drive the coming year in digital advertising and where your marketing team should be investing its time and money.

It includes:

  • Expect social media and mobile marketing ad growth.
  • Pay attention to regulations in net neutrality, GDPR and user data collection.
  • Be wary of bot traffic: Non-human traffic can inflate metrics.

See the full infographic below to discover the digital advertising trends your organization should watch:


by Brendan Gannon
