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How to increase pageviews on your website

How to increase pageviews on your website

Increasing your pageviews simultaneously increases brand recognition, exposure and sales, and it’s great for SEO too. As much as we’d like it to, increasing your pageviews doesn’t happen overnight, and sometimes it involves a lot of work with minimal immediate results. However there is some good news – there are many things you can do to increase pageviews, so get started with these tips to see your pageviews grow over time.

Get ranked

Getting ranked on Google and major search engines ensures your website and its content is seen by more people, because most online consumers only click through from results on the first page. While getting ranked is not so simple, the best way to start is by optimizing your website, making it SEO friendly, using relevant keywords and earning links from other sites.

Create good content

Of course, it is a no-brainer that more visitors will be attracted to your website if you frequently publish good-quality content. It also earns your website trust and authority, which are both crucial to increasing pageviews. So our advice? Spend time and resources on developing content that is informative, interesting, entertaining, accessible, credible and valuable to help increase pageviews and visits.

Guest post

While you are creating great content for your onsite blog, perhaps consider guest posting and submitting content to other relevant websites and blogs. Guest posting is a great way to build authority, gain exposure and it can earn you links, which is great for your SEO ranking.

Make the user experience seamless

The user experience must be seamless to ensure visitors land on your site and visit multiple pages to ultimately increase your pageviews. Make your website easy to consume by checking the formatting, style and design, as well as the page loading time. If any of these components are not right, visitors will bounce off your site immediately, no matter how good your content is.

Include links in your content

Each piece of content on your blog should contain 2-5 links in total, some to your onsite content and others to relevant content that gives the reader more information or a new perspective. Links to your own content directs visitors to another page of your website, which is an extra pageview for minimal effort, so don’t forget to include a range of links.

Take advantage of your sidebar

Keep your sidebar clean and simple, with a short bio followed by links to your most popular categories, best content and social media accounts. Remove banner ads if possible because they are distracting for your readers.

Use good images and graphics

Imagery has a huge impact on the number of visits a website gets, especially from social media platforms. Use good-quality, high resolution imagery for all of your blog posts, whether you create the imagers in-house, or use stock image sites such as Stocksy, Dollar Photo Club and Unsplash.

One topic per post

Instead of covering a range of points in one blog post, split them up by topic and write about them individually. This way, you have more options for content, and you can encourage visitors to visit multiple pages of your website through internal links. Four 500 word blog posts are much better (and easier to read ) than one 2,000 word one, so keep your blog titles to one topic each and expand on the concept rather than trying to cover too much.

Email marketing

Email marketing is oh-so-2016. Everyone’s doing it, and you’re going to be left behind if you don’t start building your email list and sending your subscriber’s some love every now and then. Start by creating a monthly newsletter with updates about your website, product and/or service and links to all of your blog posts from the month. You should also include a short introduction and hello, as well as links to your social media accounts. Once your email list starts growing and you can see that it is having an impact on your pageviews, consider making it bi-weekly or even weekly.

Share your content

Always share your content across multiple social media platforms, and do it more than once. Try different approaches and platforms to find where you get the most traction and then take advantage of it. Social media platforms are the biggest driver of pageviews right now, so start sharing and find your ultimate combination.

Comment on other blogs

Like guest posting, commenting on other blog posts increases your exposure to web consumers who might be interested in your content. Submit a genuine comment on blog posts that are relevant to your niche or perhaps attract a similar demographic. If your comments are unique, informative, good-natured, thoughtful and genuine, people will appreciate your efforts and are more likely to visit your website to learn more about you.

by Teagan West
source: scrunch